Winter Ptarmigan

The Alaska State Bird, the Willow Ptarmigan. This ground dwelling bird sports a winter plumage, and transitions to a summer plumage to blend into its surroundings.


Denali National Park

This amazing national park has so many mountains within its borders, that many of them are not named.


Murphy Dome at Midnight

The hills north of Fairbanks are an enchanting place in the summer at midnight.


Northern Flicker

This very spiffing woodpecker served as an excellent model during a vacation in South Dakota.


Driving Off Into the Sunset

This amazing sunset was captured near the Pinnacles Overlook at Badlands National Park.


Basking In The Wind

This Red Fox poses on the Autumnal Tundra in Denali National Park.


Standing Watch

This Arctic Ground Squirrel keeps an eye out for bears, foxes, and nosy tourists in Denali National Park.


Denali Sandwich

Denali stands out on the horizon under a band of clouds and above the autumnal hills near Fairbanks.


Under The Arch

During a visit to the Midwest, I got up close and personal with the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. That is the sun struggling to peak through clouds on the left.


Signaling the Heavens

Communication towers stand tall in the deep winter night near Fairbanks. Star Trails made the location of Polaris evident and even a hint of aurora came out.